Friday, May 3, 2019

Hate Crimes Rising

On a previous blog, I mentioned how Trump coming into office has caused white nationalist extremists to come out of the shadows. He has given hatred and racism a platform, especially to non-English speakers. The worst part is that teenagers are also getting involved. In November of 2016 middle schools began chanting “Build the Wall!” the video went viral on social media and the parents were forced to make a public statement. A Michigan police officer was suspended after participating in a trump rally carrying a confederate flag. One of the most controversial viral hate crimes happened earlier this year. In mid-January, a video went viral showing high school students in MAGA outfits mocking a native American elder. Several videos came out afterward and the interaction   America. According to House to probe rise in hate crimes since Trump was elected, which was posted to the rollcall website, stated that those crimes have increased in the past three years. The incidents have risen by 17% in 2017. Very few people are getting actual punishment and parents are not setting an example for their children. When Trump leaves office we might be even more divided than before his presidency.


  1. My View on "Hate Crimes Rising"
    "Hate Crimes Rising" discusses the issue of hate crimes rising against the people who support Trump. I do believe that citizens are getting attacked sometimes for what they support and believe in, but, I do not think that we can blame parents for not setting a good example for their children. I also believe that in some of the "hate crimes", we do not know the whole story. An example with the MAGA students and Native elder.

    "The longer version of the incident is more complex, and now that it has surfaced, the rush to judge the teenagers, who were in the nation’s capital for the anti-abortion March for Life, is coming under attack. “I believed that by remaining motionless and calm, I was helping to defuse the situation,’’ Sandmann said. “I realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps a group of adults was trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a larger conflict.’’ Sandmann said he and his family have received death threats. “I am being called every name in the book, including racist, and I will not stand for this mob-like character assassination of my family’s name," he said."

    People were so quick to judge the students in the extremely short video even though they had no idea on what was actually going on. I do believe that there is some hate crime because of everyone's different beliefs and not knowing another way to express that, but I do not believe it is most parent's faults and not all "hate crimes" are what we think they are.

    Hate Crimes Rising
    MAGA Students

  2. It’s surprising to say that Donal Trump truly is making history, from passing and removing new laws and freedom of expression to controversies. With Trump being our president of the United States many Americans are sane with the idea of expression towards racism, causing racism normal in America. Many races jokes and conversation among the president have been made acceptable through the media, exposing exclusive feedback from political parties.
    A political party starts in a home, your parents or older brother can teach the youngest or less educated peer or sibling about a “party” in which one individual strongly believes. The growth of that political party slowly starts to develop within years. And one starts to believe their view and creates a born lifestyle within. Referring back to what my colleague talked about on her blog, about younger students representing a political view that was embedded from their parents or relatives. Being strongly bias towards a particular group who is not under ones general standard can have many pros and cons. You can simply learn and teach or choose to express their strong beliefs towards the universe with intentions of hurting feelings.
    Expressing your beliefs by wearing MAGA gear in public or online can tick someone causing critical judgment and resulting in controversies. Is MAGA a fun saying for the kids or is it a motive to do great in life and help the universe and planet and most importantly our government to achieve obstacles shortly in the future?
