Friday, May 17, 2019

My Body, My Choice!

Abortion is definitely a hot topic right now, just like Mekbeb Lemma mentioned in their article about it. Their article gives a brief history of abortion in the United States. Roe v. Wade was breaking news outlets back in 1973 especially for declaring abortion a right. They waste no time on giving some valid arguments in support of being pro-choice. First stating that the choice is up to the individual because we should not have the right to chose for someone else who is aware of the situation. The women's life can be at risk and some may put the unborn child's life above the dying lady. Finishing the article with how many unplanned or accidental pregnancies happen in the United States, and not everyone is ready for the challenges ahead.
With the new laws that have affected several states, like Alabama, Ohio, and Missouri, which are banning abortions at an early time frame. They are also punishing those who seek abortions or use contraceptives. Overall the article does a good job on explaining to others why pregnancy decisions to be left to whoever is carrying the baby and not some entitled white men.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Hate Crimes Rising

On a previous blog, I mentioned how Trump coming into office has caused white nationalist extremists to come out of the shadows. He has given hatred and racism a platform, especially to non-English speakers. The worst part is that teenagers are also getting involved. In November of 2016 middle schools began chanting “Build the Wall!” the video went viral on social media and the parents were forced to make a public statement. A Michigan police officer was suspended after participating in a trump rally carrying a confederate flag. One of the most controversial viral hate crimes happened earlier this year. In mid-January, a video went viral showing high school students in MAGA outfits mocking a native American elder. Several videos came out afterward and the interaction   America. According to House to probe rise in hate crimes since Trump was elected, which was posted to the rollcall website, stated that those crimes have increased in the past three years. The incidents have risen by 17% in 2017. Very few people are getting actual punishment and parents are not setting an example for their children. When Trump leaves office we might be even more divided than before his presidency.