Friday, March 1, 2019


   The phrase “Build the Wall” has been going around a lot since Trump has been elected, and honestly I'm sick of it. The Editorial Board wrote Build Central America, Not a Wall for The New York Times and I couldn't agree with it more. Thousand of Latin Americans are showing up at the American Border, in return many have been separated by the trump administration. Has anyone stopped and asked themselves why these families are leaving everything and everyone they know and love? This article does a great job at shining the light on a problem most people chose to ignore. Yes, these countries are in a scary time and building a wall is not an ideal solution. They Americas support to try and get out of this in going fear and crime circle. While The United States has helped for decades, the administration is focused on its benefits with Latin America. Mentioning crime and economy rate changes gives the readers extra information to support their opinion. They also bring up some report from the United States Agency for International Development to show how we are already helping. Ending the article with  Central America doing their part, and the United States supporting, these problems can soon be gone. This article gives good information to people who may not want to look into it or those who are pro-wall. Structured in a way to keep the reader engaged by showing how the simplicity of cause and effect. Hopefully whoever reads this reconsiders where they stand with the wall and think of ways to help our neighbors.

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