Friday, April 19, 2019

Losing tequila ?!?!

As a tequila lover, this blog really spoke out to me. Jokes aside, Trump really does use social media to distract everyone from what he is planning. From the beginning, he has been using Twitter to start up dramatic conversations which lead to new laws or whatever. But I think now people are caught up with his game and are aware of what's going on. I love how this article is serious yet they lighten the mood at the end.

Friday, April 5, 2019

What will Trump's Legacy be?

Is Trumps presidency different from what many expected? From the moment he decided to run everyone had their opinions on whether it was a joke or serious matter. Plenty of wild things have happened since he was put into office.
One of the first disasters he faced was Hurricane Maria which killed thousands of people. It was the deadliest Atlantic ocean hurricane since 2004. Here is the thing, Puerto Rico is full of U.S. citizens and they received minimum federal help when compared to the damages.   
Since he came into office the number of white nationalist extremist have rapidly come out of the shadows. He gave hatred and racism a platform and we have to face the consequences. Maybe it's just someone getting upset because they heard a family talking in a different language, or simply because of the color of their skin. Racially-motivated crimes have gone up in the past three years and it might affect the U.S. and Mexico border.
Earlier this week Trump threated to close the U.S Mexico border. No money was given towards the wall so he shut down the government for 35 days. Shutting down the government cost about $11 Billion, now imagine the damage of closing the border for even a day. Criminals and drugs are not the only things crossing the border. Produce, students, workers, and other basic goods are passed through daily.

Trump being in office more than two years later is still a shocker and questionable to many. We are not sure what the highlights and negatives of his presidency will be but let’s hope no more dramatic speeches are made before the end.